Certification Course conducted by Trainer and / or Founder Ruth N. Nelson with online courses
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STEP 1: Complete the GoKids Youth Sports™ Certified Skills Trainer Application below
Click to return to Step 2
Attention: You must make FULL payment for application fee (non-refundable) and course registration fee in order to receive the
RNN Sports Gym™ discount VIP RNN Sports Gym™ membership link.
Only 8-10 coaches will be accepted for this specific Certification Course conducted.
RNN Sports Gym™ discount VIP RNN Sports Gym™ membership link.
Only 8-10 coaches will be accepted for this specific Certification Course conducted.
Click to check out our GoKids Youth Sports™ Certification Sizzle
NOTE: Skills Trainers fees (application and membership) and length of certification may vary from year to year so check rates and length of certification that apply to the year that you receive your certification. Some promotional rates may apply when attending approved clinics and/or events. Credits may be applied when noted once you have paid FULL Skills Trainer fees for In-Person Certification and completed all applications and needed form (application, application fee, signed, NDA and End user agreement either online or hard copy, provided both BYOP® 101 and HTPS™ Certificate of Completion and paid FULL membership fees {associated with either provisional or certified). Revised 06.18.2024