2023 AOC - GoKids Youth Sports™ Certification Course
Ruth N. Nelson Founder of GKYS™
demonstrators with San Antonio local players area
As Special Shout Out to Mark Papich, and the San Antonio Magic
staff for assisting in this "ONCE IN A LIFETIME" Experience!
staff for assisting in this "ONCE IN A LIFETIME" Experience!
About: Ruth N. Nelson
Email: [email protected] Website www.GoKids-YouthSports.com Virtual Website: www.RNNSportsGym.com |
Overview of Event Project: Each year Founder BYOP® Ruth N. Nelson presents a session at the the Art of Coaching, however this year we will be conducting the GoKids Youth Sports™ Skills Trainer Course during the Art of Coaching yearly coaches clinic. This will include Friday night and Saturday afternoon course for skills trainers as well as a short demonstration for all coaches at the AOC clinic.
Course Demonstration Tentative Dates and times listed above: Friday 90 minutes between 5:00-9:00 pm (specific time frame will be provided by May 15, 2023) and Saturday 90-120 minutes (including breaks) between 2:00-4:30 pm
NEEDS for Event: 8-10 players needed for ages group 5, 6,7 and 8,9,10 that will be involved in the drills and exercises for teaching and training ages 10 and under during our Certification of GKYS™ Skills trainers. 4 players ages 5, 6, 7 and 4 players 8, 9, 10. We would ask that an adult (club coach, teacher or parent) be present during all demonstrations.
Space is limited to no more than 10 families complete below contact form and both waivers below MUST be dated and signed for each player prior to May 15, 2023. Thank you for being part of our first Certification Course with Art of Coaching clinic program.
Course Demonstration Tentative Dates and times listed above: Friday 90 minutes between 5:00-9:00 pm (specific time frame will be provided by May 15, 2023) and Saturday 90-120 minutes (including breaks) between 2:00-4:30 pm
NEEDS for Event: 8-10 players needed for ages group 5, 6,7 and 8,9,10 that will be involved in the drills and exercises for teaching and training ages 10 and under during our Certification of GKYS™ Skills trainers. 4 players ages 5, 6, 7 and 4 players 8, 9, 10. We would ask that an adult (club coach, teacher or parent) be present during all demonstrations.
Space is limited to no more than 10 families complete below contact form and both waivers below MUST be dated and signed for each player prior to May 15, 2023. Thank you for being part of our first Certification Course with Art of Coaching clinic program.
Have you wanted to be part of a demonstration with
Both waivers should be downloaded and sign, date and return via email: [email protected]
This Contact form MUST be completed no later than May 15, 2023 in order to be selected as a demonstrator