Founder of BYOP® Launches New Program Sports Imports BLOG (READ MORE)

Ruth N. Nelson, creator of BYOP® and the newly launched GoKids Youth Sports™ shares how both programs continue to grow and flourish
JVA Interviews Nelson on her newest
On-Line Home Training Program Series™ Course Junior Volleyball Association BLOG (READ MORE) Enjoy and have FUN training the most energetic age group 10 and under. Gokids Youth Sports Certification Course was created and founded by Hall of Famer Ruth N Nelson who has over 40 years of experience in volleyball. #byop. #gkys #hometrainingprogram #artofcoaching #athleticperformance #volleyball #certification #youthsports #course
Nelson's New BLOG Series
Featured in the BYOP® 101 Courses The Art of Coaching BLOG View video and overview Attacking and Setting coming soon and if you want the entire video series register and take BYOP® 10 and if you want a 50% discount on BYOP® 101 and Home Training Program Series™ created by Nelson REGISTER TODAY for a VIP RNN Sports Gym™ Membership