Register for the RNN Sports GYM™
Enter a virtual interactive classroom for volleyball education. You will learn the four basic volleyball skills through our BYOP® 101 online course. Our Home Training Program Series™ shows you how to practice your skills at home. Explore our sport specific equipment room to see what is essential for training and competition. RNN sports Gym™ does not have a physical address – everything in VIRTUAL. (if you register for VIP and/or GO your GKYS™ Certification Course in-person or on-line registration fee will be discounted after you have submitted fee for RNN Sports Gym™ membership.
Step 3: Register for the Home Training Program Series (HTPS™).
BYOP® 101 On-line Course
Step 1: Ready to Register for the BYOP® 101 Course.
Steps to Gain
GoKids Youth Sports™ Skills Trainer Certification
This application fees, yearly requirements will be updated on a regular basis , please check for newest update.