Attention: Those interested for any location GKYS™ In-Person Certification Course: you must complete all 8 Steps including both BYOP® 101 and HTPS™ online courses and application fee and Certification fee. Once all the steps are complete you will be accepted unless space is already filled.
Limited promotional offer ! |
Click below to check out our 2019 Sizzle for Certification
ONLINE Certification is NOW available for a limited number of skills trainers
Online certification for Certified Skills Trainer is same price as in-person except online is a 3 year certification and in-person is a 5 year certification . This online certifications requires a minimum of 5 hours under the direction of Founder and/or International Trainer.
if you would like to get your GKYS™ Certified Trainer via VIRTUAL Certification Training, please contact me directly as this is a limited time offer ONLY for no more than 10 trainers. You will be required to attend LIVE ZOOM training with Founder Ruth N. Nelson and also would be required to ZOOM Nelson into your training to complete your certification.
if you would like to get your GKYS™ Certified Trainer via VIRTUAL Certification Training, please contact me directly as this is a limited time offer ONLY for no more than 10 trainers. You will be required to attend LIVE ZOOM training with Founder Ruth N. Nelson and also would be required to ZOOM Nelson into your training to complete your certification.
Steps to Gain GoKids Youth Sports™ Skills Trainer Certification
See above NOTE if wanting certification prior to July 2023 Virtually
1. Provide training and certification of the GoKids Youth Sports™ program to parents, elementary school teachers, recreational coaches and youth club coaches.
2. Provide sports skills training, clinics and camps for kids and youth ages 7 and under (Level 1) and ages 8 and up (Level 2).
GoKids Youth Sports™ (GKYS) was created and founded by Hall of Famer Ruth N. Nelson who has over 40 years of experience in volleyball. She has emphasized training kids and youth 12 and under over the past 18 years. She has also created an instructor/trainer certification for the Bring Your Own Parent (BYOP®) Program working with children ages 10 and under and their parents.
STEPS TO BECOME A PROVISIONAL GKYS™ SKILLS TRAINER (video online content will not be available on GoKids Youth Sports website but on once you have received your certificate for Provisional Skills Trainers, however you may register and make payment and your certification will not begin until June 2023- August 2026)
Step 1: Register for the BYOP® 101 Course. What to check out the BYOP® 101 Sizzle before registering click here.
(Click here for registering for Art of Coaching BYOP® 101 online Course) .
Step 2: Complete the course and download the Certificate of Completion.
Step 3: Register for the Home Training Program Series (HTPS™). What to check out the HTPS™ Sizzle before registering click here. (Click here for registering for Art of Coaching HTPS™ online Course) .
Step 4: Complete this course and download its Certificate of Completion.
Step 5: Email both Certificates of Completion to [email protected]
Step 6: Submit your completed Application, and GoKids Youth Sports Trainer End User License Agreement (if you paid online you have already read and agreed to end user agreement) along with $100 US nonrefundable All payments must be received with our online payment procedure.
Your online payment please be sure to click on the link provided once you have completed your Application. Look for the payment link or you may just click here.
Step 7: Upon acceptance of your Application, and payment of a Provisional membership fee of $350 (year 1 members ONLY, as certification /membership fee may change on a regular basis), you will receive a 3-year provisional certification. Members will receive an 8-week GoKids Youth Sports™ training plan for Level 1 and Level 2 (via email and/or download), limited access (password protected) to the GoKids Youth Sports™ Website portal for updates on and/or teaching/training materials and video clips for 3 years, and access to the GoKids-Youth Sports online store. (founders Special Promotional rate when becoming a VIP or GO RNN Sports Gym™ member, contact [email protected])
FULL ACCESS TO ALL CONTENT FOR 5 YEARS FOR JUST $150 MORE (when registering for the In-person certification program)*
Step 8: After becoming a Provisional GKYS™ Skills Trainer, register to participate in the GKYS™ Trainer In-Person Certification Course. 2023 Courses: Dallas 2023 July 10-11 (optional training 13-14). (check back as other dates will be added for 2023 or you may submit to host an event when completing your application).**
Step 9: Attend and complete the GKYS™ Skills Trainer Certification Course, including both classroom and on-court training. In addition to all the benefits associated with becoming a Provisional GKYS™ Skills Trainer, Certified GKYS™ Skills Trainers have access (password protected) to all content on the GKYS™ Certified Skills Trainer website portal for 3-5 years (if technical difficulties occur you will be considered for extension or we may utilize other portal for content).
Please note: above regarding online certification for GKYS™ Certified Skills Trainer is now available (5 hours training with Founder and also with your group of athletes). However, this certification is for 3 years ONLY.
Step 10: Re-certification may be done at any of the Certified GoKids Youth Sports™ Certification locations which will be listed on website (online time maybe available also for the Inperson certifications..
Level 1 (Ages 7 and under): Beginner; Intermediate; Advanced
Level 2 (Ages 8 and up): Beginner; Intermediate; Advanced
* Skills Trainers fee (application and membership) and length of certification may vary from year to year so check rates and length of certification that apply to the year that you receive your certification. Some promotional rates may apply when attending approved clinics and/or events. Credits may be applied when noted once you have paid FULL Skills Trainer fees for In-Person Certification and completed all applications and needed form (application, application fee, signed End user agreement either online or hard copy, provided both BYOP® 101 and HTPS™ Certificate of Completion and paid FULL membership fee {associated with either provisional or certified).
Revised 11.01.2022
This application fees, yearly requirements will be updated on a regular basis ,
please check for most recent update for Certification. |